I am happy to be able to say that I live in one of the growing number of states that allow gay marriage. Sadly these same people who get married here in Vermont are denied federal benefits. This is completely in acceptable for a supposedly civilized country in the year 2013. It is nothing but the simple minded agenda for the religious right. These so called conservatives make ignorant arguments that are supposed to scare people.
Example 1: " If we allow gay marriage people will want to make Polygamy legal".
My thoughts: OK. Enjoy your many wives. What's the problem?
Example 2: " If we allow gay marriage people will want to make polyandry legal".
My thoughts: Again. Have fun with that. Enjoy your many husbands.
Example 3: " If we allow gay marriage people will want to legalize polyamory and group marriage".
My thoughts: why should I have a problem with that. If crazy religious people think they can stop any of these things by passing laws they are sadly mistaken.
Example 4: " If we allow gay marriage people will want to marry their animals".
My thoughts: come on! Anyone who thinks this is something people are going to worry about has problems.
These scare tactics don't work. Then the last resort is always " you are going to hell". Someone telling me I am going to hell is just as scary and real as someone telling me Santa won't bring me presents this year.
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